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Elizabeth Taylor - An Intimate Look at Her Life

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Elizabeth Rosemond Taylor (British-American actress) started her acting career as a child star in the early 40s. She became one the most well-known classical Hollywood stars of 1950s Hollywood. Her vast career spans many genres and she has been the subject a number of books, television shows, movies and documentaries. Let's look closer at her life. How did she become so successful.

AIDS activist

Elizabeth Taylor started AIDS activism years before the actor was diagnosed. In the late 1980s, she was invited by Los Angeles to be the chair of an AIDS benefit. For Commitment to Life, a Los Angeles-based AIDS services group, raised $1million at the event. Taylor was unhappy with the way she was treated by people and her appearance as a tabloid character for this cause.


Elizabeth Taylor, who was one of the greatest film actresses in history, was born and raised in London. Before World War II, she moved to the United States. Before the war, she was a stage actress and her family soon moved to California. Her father, an accomplished art dealer, introduced her to the movie industry. She passed the screen test, and she made her debut in The's One Born Every minute. Elizabeth Taylor continued acting and starred in numerous films.

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The legendary actress is known best for her on-screen accomplishments, but many may not be aware she was a philanthropist. The family behind the film legend is an AIDS foundation. She was recently interviewed by her grandchildren about her work at Town & Country’s fourth annual Philanthropy Summit. Although their stories were slightly different than those of her granddaughters, both were a testament to her charitable efforts.


Elizabeth Taylor was married eight times in her lifetime. She was married seven times to different men in her previous marriages. Apart from her five Oscar nominations she was married seven times to men and divorced once. While some of her relationships were more prominently covered in tabloids, all her marriages were well documented. In fact she married the same guy twice. You can learn more about Elizabeth Taylor's marriage history by reading the following information:

Carol Ferris illustrations: Inspirational visuals

Caroline Ferris was modeled after a model/actress who was Green Lantern/Hal Jordan's lover. Carol Ferris appeared as Hal Jordan's love interest in Showcase #22.2 in 1959. Later, the super-heroine changed her name to Star Sapphire. The visual inspiration for Carol Ferris' illustrations comes from the actress and model Elizabeth Taylor. It is easy to see how Elizabeth Taylor influenced Carol Ferris' art.

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Relationship with Michael Wilding

Elizabeth Taylor and Michael Wilding started when Elizabeth first met the British actor. They were married in 1952 and had their two sons together. Shortly after they were married, Wilding and Taylor divorced. Their relationship began to drift apart. Wilding was 20-years older than Taylor. It was not surprising that Elizabeth found the age difference attractive. After their divorce, Wilding married Michael Todd, a Mexican producer of films. Elizabeth Todd was named for her daughter. Unfortunately, Wilding died in a plane crash in 1958.

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What percentage of box office profits goes to marketing?

Marketing budgets usually account for anywhere from 20%-40% of a film's budget. This is because marketing is very important to the success of any film.

Without good marketing, no one knows about your film. People won't pay for it if they don’t know about it.

Why is Hollywood calling it Hollywood?

D.W. Griffith founded the first film industry in California in 1887. It was named for Los Angeles, which was at the time called "Hollywood."

Because it was so exciting to visit, the name stuck. It attracted people from all over the world to check out what was happening.

Hollywood is still an integral part of American culture. We have movies and television shows, music videos, commercials and so on. They are all called Hollywood.

Is Hollywood larger than Bollywood?

Producers face the greatest challenge of making sure their movie is seen by viewers.

Problem is that many movies are competing for people's money and time. If you don't stand out, your chances of being seen are slim.

What makes a movie a success? What makes an actor a star? Or a director? You need to have talent but also luck. Even if you have the most talented actors in the world they won't be able to make it work if they write bad scripts.

When it comes to movies, there are two main types. There are big-budget blockbusters as well as small independent productions. Blockbuster films can cost hundreds and millions of dollars to make and distribute. They are made by huge studios, who want to make sure their movies reach as many people possible. But these big-budget films tend to appeal mainly to older audiences.

Independent films are smaller-scale productions that may have to be financed individually or by groups of investors. These films focus on niche markets or cater to particular tastes. They are generally less costly to produce and market. But, they aren't necessarily cheaper to view. It is actually very difficult to find most indie movies.

Is it possible to have both types of films? Do we need big blockbuster movies and small independent ones? Well, I think that Hollywood is actually bigger than Bollywood. Hollywood produces more movies than India every year.

What's the difference between an indie film and a foreign language film?

A filmmaker typically makes an independent film. This is because he or she makes every decision.

On the other side, a foreign-language film is normally produced by an even larger production team.

They often hire actors, authors, and directors who are from other countries.

To ensure the dialogue sounds natural, professional translators are also hired.

What is the annual salary of Hollywood?

Producing a movie can cost around $100 million. The average movie costs around $100 million to make. If you made ten movies per month for a ten year, you'd have enough cash to buy a small country.

A private island with an airport and power plant, as well as a bank, post office and police station, would be yours.

If you don't find this to be fun, then you are probably insane.


  • At his encouragement, his sister Sarah Luke, brother-in-law Elisha Luke, with her mother, Azubah, took the Atlantic & Pacific Railroad from Ogden to Los Angeles in November 1885, according to Adrian Weekly Press, November 13, 1885. (en.wikipedia.org)
  • If we translate this to a percentage, we get 28%, so let's be generous and say that ‘Hollywood studios' release about ⅓ of the movies released in the U.S. and Canada each year. (glitteratilobotomy.com)
  • In 2019, that percentage increased to 40 percent. (en.wikipedia.org)
  • The author of the study noted that "The percentage of female speaking roles has not increased much since the 1940s when they hovered around 25 percent to 28 percent." (en.wikipedia.org)
  • New York Times article stated that only 15% of the top films in 2013 had women in lead acting roles. (en.wikipedia.org)

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How To

How to Make Reservations at Universal Studios Hollywood

Universal Studios Hollywood (USH), is a popular theme park in Los Angeles County, California. It was founded in 1955 by MCA Inc., which owns the rights to the name "Universal." Since its opening, the park has seen many expansions. USH is currently comprised of five main areas: CityWalk; Islands of Adventure; Studio Tour; Seuss Landing; and Volcano Bay. Additional waterparks include Typhoon Lagoon (Wet 'n Wild) and Typhoon Lagoon (Typhoon Lagoon).

E.T. is one of the park's attractions. The ExtraTERRORestrial Alien Encounter and Revenge of the Mummy, Transformers: The Ride 3D. Despicable Me Minion Mayhem. Rock ‘N’ Roller Coaster Starring Aerosmith. King Kong 360deg. Honey I Shrunk the Kids Movie Set Adventure. Madagascar Madness!. Twilight Zone Tower of Terror. Backdraft. The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man. Twister... Rides! Soarin’ Around the World. There are also shows, including JAWS Alive!, Monsters University Spooky Stories, and the new Halloween Horror Nights. You will also find shops, restaurants, bars and nightclubs in the park.

How to make reservations at Universal Hollywood

Once you have selected your preferred date, you will see a list with available dates and prices. You can choose any date, and you can also select the type of ticket. The following options are available if you prefer to travel during the daylight hours:

  • Day Pass - $99
  • Park Hopper Ticket $199
  • VIP Tickets - $299

When you order tickets online, an email confirmation will be sent to you. If you do NOT receive this confirmation within the 24 hour period, please contact customer service by phone at +1 (888) 560-4386. Or via email.

When purchasing tickets on our site, you must provide your full name, address, telephone number, credit card information, and payment method. Your full name, address, telephone number and phone number are required to place orders by phone. We may need to verify your identity in order to process your order.

We reserve the right to cancel any transaction for any reason.

All fees related to your reservation are your responsibility. When you confirm your order, your credit will be charged immediately.

The ticket purchase will be the only charge to your credit card.

You should note that certain attractions require you to present a valid photo ID. Visitors without valid photo ID will not be permitted to enter the attraction. Before visiting each attraction, please verify its operating hours.

All sales final. No refunds or exchanges.

Tickets are not refundable or transferable.

If your scheduled visit falls on a holiday or special occasion, Universal reserves the right to charge the lesser of the actual value of the tickets or 50% of the total price.

Universal reserves the rights but will not be obligated to provide you with alternative day passes if your purchased day passes are exhausted.

Universal does not guarantee that every ride will continue to operate throughout the year. Some rides may have to be shut down temporarily because of maintenance or refurbishment.

Universal is not responsible for lost or stolen articles. Lost items should be reported at Guest Relations.

Guests under 18 must always be accompanied by an adult (parent/guardian).


Elizabeth Taylor - An Intimate Look at Her Life